Editorial, design and web integration

Sarah Butez, graphic designer
10 cheminement du Dr Didier Dasque
31400 Toulouse
phone – +33 (0)6 51 92 89 19

Artiste-auteure, affiliate to l’Alliance France Design
SIRET 51419768000036
code APE 9003A


2 cité Paradis - 75010 Paris
phone – 01 84 01 02 50

private data et hyperlinks

The website https://sarahbutez.com doesn't collect any personal data. Hyperlinks redirect to external websites (like linkedin, instagram…): the editor isn't responsible of the contents from those visited external websites.

Intellectual property

All the contents of the website https://sarahbutez.com – photographies, graphics, illustrations, texts – are protected by the intellectuel property. Any use, copy, distribution, malketing, modification of all of part of the website contents without any permission of the editor, is prohibited interdit and could cause legal proceedings like indicated in the intellectual property Code and civil Code.